Jalapeño Chicken Curry Soup

This delicious soup started out as something completely different. Once upon a time, I learned to make a yummy Jalapeño Corn Chowder, and I continued to call this soup that until the day after Christmas when I made it and erroneously sold it as such: “I know a great soup – Jalapeño Corn Chowder.” After some time in the kitchen, carefully photo capturing the progress of the soup and putting the final additions on it, I delivered a bowl to my guest. “This is not what I expected.” We shared a good laugh, because of course, this soup contains neither corn nor cream – it is no chowder! Over the years, it has been PostModernized. I avoid corn (it’s mainly metabolized as glucose, after all) and cream (lots of dairy has been inflammatory for me). It is paleo, depending on which side of the potato controversy you fall. I include potato in my diet, as I do not have much of a reaction to it, (the soup also has red bell pepper, another of the nightshade family, so RA friends may want to enjoy this soup only occasionally). You could, of course, roast some large cauliflower chunks and substitute them for the potato. Jalapeño Chicken Curry is a hearty, chunky spicy soup that warms the spirit.


  • 3 T olive oil
  • 3 large shallots
  • 2 large cloves of garlic
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 3 medium carrots
  • 1 large potato
  • 6 cups of chicken stock
  • 1 large jalapeño
  • 6 chicken thighs
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 ½ tsp turmeric
  • 1 ½ tsp curry powder
  • ¾ cup fresh parsley, as well as some to garnish


Step 1 – Prep The Goodies

Dice your shallots and garlic (I use a garlic press) and set them aside.

While you’re at it, dice the red bell pepper, celery, carrots and potato.

Step 2 – assemble the soup

In your stockpot, start with olive oil over a medium low heat and add the shallots and garlic. Stir until the shallots are soft, about 4 minutes.

After the shallots are soft, add the bell pepper, celery and carrots, and combine them with the shallots and garlic. Stir over a medium low heat for 5 minutes.

Once the veg is soft, add 4 cups of the chicken stock and the potatoes. Turn the heat up to medium and bring the liquid to a boil. Cook until the potatoes start to soften, about 8-10 minutes.

While the potatoes start to cook, cut the stem off the jalapeño and cut it in half and then thin slices, reserving the seeds. (Mmm, spicy!) Also, cut the chicken thighs into chunks.

When the potatoes are starting to soften, add the jalapeño.

Next, add the chicken. You may need to add more of the chicken stock, to just cover the vegetables and chicken.

Let the chicken cook for about 5 minutes. Then, add the spices.

Stir the spices in well, add the diced parsley and let the soup simmer for another 5 minutes.

That’s a lot of spicy goodness.

Ladle into bowls, top with fresh parsley, and enjoy!

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