Why Eat Postmodern

Why Eat Postmodern? In short, to live your best life. To approach your healthiest self. To be free. Many of us have complicated relationships with food. What if that was different? What if we dismantled the emotional connections? What if we took another look at our assumptions, question all we think we know, and then rebuild the relationship in a way fuels health, vitality and peace? “Easier said than done”, you say? Yes. But it is certainly worth it.

While I’m writing this to you I’m whipping up some roasted acorn squash with a ground meat, cauliflower, cranberry, carrot hash. Thanksgiving is around the corner, and I’m thinking of sides and stuffing alternatives. I’ve never liked stuffing. Also, I’m choosing Not Grains right now. I’ll be spending Thanksgiving as a guest in a new environment, and I had a moment of thinking about all the things I’m choosing Not Right Now (the list is kind of long), and I started to stress a little bit. I’m admittedly a little shell-shocked from a long history of spending holidays in an environment that didn’t support my food choices and therefore were disappointing food-wise, even if the company was rich.  It reminded me about the stress I used to feel in the early days of rethinking my food and life – how and what will I eat when traveling, or eating out, or when other circumstances around meals are unusual? In those early days, I thought Eating Postmodern was something I could only do at home, like a highly specialized and restricted diet. But guess what? It’s not like that at all. When you adopt a healthful lifestyle, you eat out, on travel, wherever, exactly the same as any other day. It’s going to be a great Thanksgiving! I’m so looking forward to it.

Eat Postmodern is a collection of reflections on decisions I’ve made about food, my health, and how I live life that has greatly contributed to the best physical condition I’ve yet been in. That may sound starry-eyed, but it is no small thing considering an unwanted and unwelcome diagnosis 24 years ago of Rheumatoid Arthritis. I hate to capitalize the name of it, or give it any power, yet this dis-ease has been the catalyst for a health that I didn’t think was possible in the early years of the diagnosis. I’ll reflect on the impact of autoimmune disease and how it informed my decisions toward health and food.

Eat Postmodern is also a collection of recipes both found and created, that I’ve embraced in choosing my own best life. I started being interested in cooking well in 2005, after the remodel of my kitchen from one in which I couldn’t pull the stuck drawers open into a beautiful space in which I wanted to create tasty things. Now I enjoy not only eating well, but found and have nurtured a love of sharing delicious food with friends and strangers also looking for a more healthful life. Folks have been asking me to share my mindset and recipes for awhile, and now with the proper encouragement and support (for which I’m profoundly grateful, Love), Eat Postmodern is here. Good luck shutting me up now that I’ve started talking. And welcome, I’m looking forward to discovering, discussing and cooking together.